
WhatConverts and Zenkit

By integrating WhatConverts with Zenkit, users can automate the transfer of lead information into their project management workflows, ensuring that no lead is overlooked and every opportunity is pursued.

This integration allows for real-time updates, centralized data access, and enhanced visibility across teams, leading to better decision-making and increased productivity.

About WhatConverts

WhatConverts provides a comprehensive lead tracking solution. It shows you “What Marketing Converts” through form, ecommerce, web chat, and call tracking. You can check what source and marketing data inspired a potential customer to reach out, whether it’s from organic traffic, direct traffic, Pay-per-Click (PPC), social media, or referring sites.

WhatConverts gives you the opportunity to measure your marketing efforts and decide which marketing channel gives you the best return. What’s more, the feature of “Lead Qualification” lets you evaluate which leads are qualified to the next step of the sales process and focus on these targets.

About Zenkit

Zenkit is a comprehensive web-based platform designed for project management and collaboration. It enables organizations to streamline their workflows, manage tasks, and enhance team productivity. Zenkit offers a flexible environment that supports a variety of project management methodologies, including Kanban, Gantt, and calendar views, allowing teams to customize their workflows to fit their unique needs.

With robust features such as task assignments, real-time collaboration and file sharing, Zenkit provides everything needed to ensure projects are completed efficiently and on time. The platform’s user-friendly interface and extensive capabilities make it an ideal choice for businesses looking to optimize their project management processes. Create your free account!

Connect WhatConverts and Zenkit

  1. Sign up for a Zapier account to get access to Zapier.
  2. Create an account with WhatConverts .
  3. Log into Zapier and go to the Zenkit + WhatConverts Zapbook to find Zap templates.
  4. Or choose to create your own Zenkit and WhatConverts integration by selecting them when you create a zap.

Who will benefit from this WhatConverts and Zenkit integration?

  • Sales teams aiming to optimize lead management and conversion tracking: By integrating WhatConverts with Zenkit, sales teams can automatically sync lead data and conversion metrics, enabling them to manage and analyze their sales pipelines more efficiently and make informed decisions to improve their conversion rates.
  • Project managers seeking to enhance workflow and data visualization: Project managers can benefit from the integration by seamlessly incorporating call tracking data from WhatConverts into Zenkit’s project management platform, allowing for better visualization of project progress and more accurate resource allocation based on real-time data insights.

Additional Integration Details

  • Supported by Zapier: Please contact Zapier support if you experience any problems.
  • For more information on how to use Zenkit with Zapier, please read our documentation.