The team chat with built-in task management

Group Chats
Chat with groups of up to 2,000 people.

Personal Chats
Personal 1:1 chats for private messaging.

Audio and Video Messages
Record and send audio and video messages from any device.

Search in chats and files instantly.

Add drawings and graphical annotations to every file or comment.

Add own simple drawings and illustrations everywhere: in comments, or as files.

Broadcast to your team and get 1:1 replies. Ideal for voting and other organizing events.Task Management
Tasks are no longer buried within endless chat threads

Built-in Task Management
Create and organize tasks directly within your chat groups.

Audio and video files can be attached to tasks automatically.

Task Chats
Tasks can have their dedicated chats too, so task related info is not lost in group or project chats.

Tasks have reminders - use your chat like a personal assistant.
Advanced Features
The Zenkit platform offers additional features for Zenchat

Offline Support
All data and chats are available offline.

Dark Mode
And many more backgrounds for a personal experience.
Zenkit Suite
Zenchat is deeply integrated within the Zenkit platform

Topic Chats
Chat about any data in any Zenkit product (customers, bugs & features, etc.)

Task Lists
All task lists of Zenchat can also be organized in Zenkit To Do or as a Kanban or Gantt chart in Zenkit Base.
Enterprise Features
All Zenkit products are Enterprise-ready for organizations of any size

2-Factor Authentication
Make sure your account is secure with two-factor authentication. Available for all Zenkit users.

User Roles and Groups
Assign roles to users to enhance the security of your work and boost your team's productivity.

Advanced Administration
Use SAML-based SSO, manage users with provisioning, and monitor and audit user activities with Organizations.

SCIM Provisioning
Use SCIM Providers like MS Azure AD to automatically keep your users in sync with the rest of your infrastructure.