
Achieve More. Together.

The all-in-one solution for stellar team work

Agile & Gantt Planning

Plan and manage your agile and classical projects. Faster. Stress-free.


Forms & Surveys

Create easy and powerful forms in minutes.


Messaging, Tasks & Sharing

Chat + Tasks = Magic. Finally, a messaging app with built-in task management.


Tasks & Reminders

Need to get things done? Try our easy-to-use but super powerful task manager.


Knowledge, Notes & Wiki

Create, share, and understand knowledge. The new home for your notes, outlines, wikis, intranets, scripts, documentations.


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You're in Good Company

Better tools. Greater inspiration.

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Home of Productivity

Our mission at Zenkit is simple: We want to make you and your team as productive as possible. To achieve this we have a very basic key idea: Build simple tools for every area in your team’s workday – and add superior interaction between them. We believe that the more intuitively you can use your tools, the more motivation and inspiration you will have. Simple apps lead to easy decisions and less distraction.

A Better Digitalization Strategy

Countless conversations with users and customers over many years let us finally realize one thing: The answer to the ever-changing challenges of the future of work needs a new approach: A set of dedicated tools – working perfectly together. No more tool chaos and silos. And no more bloated so-called “all-in-one-solutions”.

The answer is not found in all-in-one solutions. They’re powerful, but they’re just too complicated for many team members. An all-in-one tool gets easily distracting and overwhelming. And 2-3 years from now, when new features come in, they become complex to work with.

Neither is the answer found in a mix of products from different vendors: They’re easy and fun to use on their own, but it’s complex to integrate them with each other. They have problems with overlapping functionalities, syncing errors, etc.

To combine the best of both worlds we created the Zenkit Suite. Zenkit products are easy and enjoyable to use, and very powerful together. When new functionality is needed in the future, there will be a new product to take care of it. All other products stay as simple as they are. This leads to more intuitive workflows and more engagement from your whole team.

One Platform. Many Apps.

To benefit from our services, you can simply start with one tool that fits your needs. Every product can be used on its own. But Zenkit’s true power comes from the deep integration of all apps with each other – in fact, all products share one single platform.

This means that every piece of information is instantly available on all Zenkit products – without any syncing trouble. No missing, obsolete, or duplicated data. For example, tasks from Zenkit Base are also available in Zenkit To Do and vice versa – instantly, without any errors, without any synchronization.

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Enterprise-Grade Organization Management

Powerful, central management of your organization is one of the strongest arguments for the Zenkit suite. Every product can be used with one login. Our platform includes access-management (Roles, Groups), provisioning (SCIM), provisioning with MS Azure AD, identity management (SAML, 2FA), audits, and more. You can assign product access and resources to certain users and groups.

Integrate with Over 1500 Services

Of course, not every functionality can be covered by our products. But don’t worry, we can connect to more than 1500 services either via direct integration (e.g. Google Calendar) or via our partners (e.g. Zapier). There is always a way to embed the Zenkit Suite in your current environment.

Zenkit Experience

What Will Change When You Work with the Zenkit Suite...

Less Stress: Establishing and introducing new software, learning, building interaction with existing software, etc... That's all stressful and doesn’t contribute to your core business. This stress vanishes with Zenkit.
Fewer Compromises: Which software do you buy? A single software product tends to have only some of your required features, or too many features. It's either too simple or too complicated. With the Zenkit suite, you get dedicated tools for your purposes.
Less Confusion: When you choose more than one software from different vendors, you sometimes buy the same feature and data representation twice. So where to enter these data? In Zenkit this is done on one single platform.
Less Administration: New software tools need new organization administration, new user management, new syncing challenges, new onboarding, and new training requirements. With Zenkit you do this centrally and only once.
More Motivation: No more over-complicated all-in-one tools, no more dozens of tools to learn. No more struggling team members.
More Synergies: Bring different areas of information on one platform and use the synergies between them.
Better Decisions: Bring more information to your platform, and become better informed. Better information makes better decisions.
Faster Onboarding: New tools require training. Having multiple tools means even more complexity for your team. With Zenkit, your team has to learn only one user interface, once.

Our Long-Term Mission

We are committed to winning the hearts and the trust of our users – not market shares. We are committed to remaining independent – no acquisitions, no surprise shutdowns. We promise to be here as long as you need our products – free from 3rd party interests, free from secondary agendas.

Your data belong to you and only you. Built from the ground up with your security and privacy in mind by a European/German team. We provide the highest security standards, guaranteed GDPR compliance, and Europe-based servers.