8 Reasons You Need to Be Managing Your Tasks Online
Use an app to up your organization game
My generation, millennials, receive a lot of flack for constantly having our noses stuck in a phone, tablet or computer. I mean, with almost every single daily activity available online, who can really blame us?
Whether it’s catching up on news and current events during breakfast, shopping for practically anything you want, or even navigating your way through an unfamiliar part of town — there is always an app for it. So, of course, when it comes to managing tasks and stepping up our organization game, it only makes sense to do it online.

Once upon a time, people used things such as diaries, calendars, post-it notes, whiteboards, bulletin boards, and the like, to keep their tasks in check. Nowadays, whether it’s for your personal task management or it’s one of your duties as a project manager to delegate tasks, you can use task management software.
Using Software to Manage Tasks Online
Switching from paper to online may seem a little daunting at first. Which tool should you get? Which will work best? How do you know that you’re getting the most value out of it? All common questions that will not go unanswered once you do a little bit of research (a simple search of “task management software review” should do the trick).
The best task management software for you truly depends on what exactly it is you want from it. There are endless products available on the market, so once you figure out the kind of things you need from a task management tool, you’ll be able to find one to suit your needs. Here are some essential features you should look out for:
- Calendar settings
- To-do list software
- Notification alerts
- Smartphone/tablet app versions
- Integration with other tools
- Custom views
- Real-time status view
- Collaboration
- Pricing to suit your budget
The overall purpose of task management software is to keep you organized and on top of your tasks. And while there are products designed solely for task management, there are other products such as project management tools that can also offer you this.

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Project management tools work a treat for task management, too. Not only does it have similar features to a task management tool that will structure, update, and track your task activity, but for those looking to manage more complex activities and projects, it includes features to cater to them as well. Even if you don’t need the extra bells and whistles, using it purely for personal productivity works too.

8 Reasons to Manage Tasks Online
If you haven’t yet stepped to the digital task management side, then perhaps the following reasons could sway you.
1. Important tasks won’t go amiss
A step up from the traditional to-do list method, checklist tools featured in task management software allow you to prioritize your tasks. Once a task is completed and crossed off, it should then move to the bottom of the list, keeping the most important/urgent task on top.
2. Information is accessible anywhere, anytime
The beauty of storing things online means that you are not restricted to when and where you access them. Your information is available on several devices as most task management software applications come in mobile versions too. Having your tasks stored on the cloud also means that it would be near impossible to lose any data because despite your device not working, your information is kept safe.
3. You’ll always know where you’re up to
A big part of managing tasks is keeping track of their progress and always knowing their status. A standard feature of task management software, the application you choose should allow you to do this. Knowing how things are coming along will prepare you to organize further action accordingly.
4. No more missing deadlines
Time management is one of the major benefits of using software to manage your tasks online. Not only do calendars and custom view features visualize your tasks, giving you a clearer outlook on due dates, and how long you’ve got to complete the task, but some products include notification tools that alert you of when and where a specific task is due.

5. The convenience on offer
A digitized organization tool offers a lot of conveniences. Just think about all those times when you were using a pen and paper and found yourself having to re-write your lists and plans because information changed. By managing tasks online, updating or changing details is much simpler. You just edit what needs to be changed, and then the automation does the updating for you.
6. It makes you a little greener
Imagine all the paper that you would have otherwise had to use if you weren’t using task management software. Doing things digitally not only offers you convenience and accessibility, but it also means that you don’t have to use large quantities of paper that will probably go missing afterwards.
7. You can share it with other
If you’re using task management software in a project setting, there should be tools that enable you to share your tasks with team members or with whoever else may need access to it. Sharing tasks with fellow team members gives transparency to the work, which will help with the project’s delivery.
8. It will boost productivity
Just think about how efficiently things will get done by managing tasks online! You will no longer have to worry about things such as where you can access the information, which task is due next, or even carrying around a diary planner (because it can all be accessed on your phone, obvs) — using a task management software does all the worrying for you, leaving you with more time to focus on critical matters such as completing the task itself!
Whether it’s for personal or work purposes, and even if you’ve decided to use a project management tool instead, managing tasks online no doubt has its benefits. But remember, you can only be as good as the software you use — and there is plenty out there — so ensure you’ve chosen one that is user-friendly, offers good customer support, and accommodates to your needs for effective results. The digital world isn’t just for millennials.
How many of you Zenkit users out there have used the project management tool for personal task management? Give me a shout in the comment section below! 🙂
Dinnie and the Zenkit Team
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