Trello and Zenkit
Sync Zenkit with Trello so teams can collaborate with their favorite tools.
About this Trello integration
This Zapier integration links Trello with Zenkit so that you can automatically link items/cards, updates, custom fields, and more.
Connect Trello and Zenkit
- Sign up for a Zapier account to get access to Zapier.
- Sign up for a Trello account to get access to Trello.
- Log into Zapier and go to the Zenkit + Trello Zapbook to find Zap templates.
- Or choose to create your own Zenkit and Trello integration by selecting them when you create a zap.
Integration Suggestions
This integration is supported by Zapier. If you experience any problems, please contact Zapier support. For more information on how to use Zenkit with Zapier, please read our documentation