Manage knowledge in a new way - Remotely, on the go, or at the office

Hypernotes structures your text ("block") in a hierarchy, from concepts down to the details. This allows you to concentrate on the level of detail you need.

Bi-Directional Linking
Like Hyperlinks on a webpage, you can connect pages and blocks with each other (that's why we named it Hypernotes!). You can do this simply by using the # symbol. Hypernotes automatically keeps track of all references you create between pages so you can always jump to related information.

Semantic Graph
Hypernotes visualizes semantic concepts in a knowledge graph for more intuitive understanding. Focus on key concepts, or collapse branches to find distant connections.

Real-Time Collaboration
Invite colleagues, freelancers, and co-workers to collaborate with you on your projects.

Rich Text, HTML, and Markdown
Hypernotes simple rich text editor lets you create beautiful text to enhance your work. Use HTML, markdown, or basic text to make your words stand out.

Offline Support
Use Hypernotes on the go, whether you have an internet connection or not! Offline mode is also supported in the web version.

File Sharing
Share documents and images from your desktop, or from your favorite cloud storage services - with full offline support.

Mark important items as a favorite so you can access them in a snap.

Activity Tracking
Watch activities as they occur. See everything that's going on in your notebooks and pages, and see who's done what tasks.

Let notifications help rather than distract you. Customize your notifications to get the information you need, when and where you need it.

For keyboard based work: Quickly add notes or tasks, focus or collapse the knowledge graph, and much more with simple shortcuts.

You can comment on every page, every block, and every task to keep your team informed.

Need to immediately notify other team members about an important update? Use @mentions to ping your colleagues and bring relevant team members into the conversation.

LaTeX Support
Writing beautiful formulas and scientific expressions is an important part of writing technical content.

Zapier Integration
Integrate with over 1000 of your favorite apps and services with Zenkit's Zapier integration.

Dark Mode
Working at night or just prefer a darker background? Toggle dark mode on your notebooks to view everything in the blackest black.

(Coming soon) See and compare different text versions.

Email a task or note to Hypernotes directly and even assign tasks via a unique email address. Create new notes and tasks right from your inbox.

Add drawings and graphical annotations to every file or comment.

Add own simple drawings and illustrations everywhere: in comments, or as files.

Visual Writing
Create Information within the graph by connecting pages visually.

Global Files View
View all your files across Notebooks.
Task Management
Hypernotes has a built-in task management for collaborative work

You can add tasks to your notebook, and to page and every block you create. A global task list aggregates every task within a notebook.

Add reminders to your tasks so you're notified when something's due!

Use a checklist to add sub-tasks to your tasks. Track progress visually and mark things off as they're done.

Assign tasks
Easily delegate tasks by assigning them to your team members. Notify them as soon as a new task needs their attention.
Enterprise Features
All Zenkit products are Enterprise-ready for organizations of any size

2-Factor Authentication
Make sure your account is secure with two-factor authentication. Available for all Zenkit users.

User Roles and Groups
Assign roles to users to enhance the security of your work and boost your team's productivity.

Advanced Administration
Use SAML-based SSO, manage users with provisioning, and monitor and audit user activities with Organizations.

SCIM Provisioning
Use SCIM-Provider like MS Azure AD to automatically keep your users in sync with the rest of your infrastructure.