World, Meet Zenkit To Do
The newest member of the Zenkit family
This is a very big day for us, and for Zenkit. Today, the Zenkit you know and love has been joined by a new product: Zenkit To Do. To Do is the first of many new products that will be joining the Zenkit family, so it’s time you were properly introduced!
But first of all: What does that mean for the original Zenkit application and for you as a Zenkit user?
The original Zenkit app will be in the center of the whole Zenkit product family. We will continue to improve its existing features and functions, as well as innovate as we always have done. To express this new central position, we rebranded it as the “Zenkit Base” or simply “the Base”. With the release of To Do, Zenkit Base will be stronger than ever. You can learn a little more about this rebranding and the latest changes to the Base here.
Now, on to the star of today’s blog:
What is Zenkit To Do?
Zenkit To Do is a super-simple task management tool designed from the ground up to help you work productively and collaborate with anyone. It’s just as beautifully designed as Zenkit, but much simpler and easier to use for daily task management.
In case you didn’t catch it last week, here’s To Do in action:
You can start using it by logging in to todo. with your existing Zenkit login credentials (or if you’re new here, register for an account).
What can it do?
Like any good task management tool, To Do allows you to focus on what needs to get done, reminding you at the appropriate time, and helping you get your team on board.
Here’s what you can expect in the first batch of features available with the launch (as you can expect, there’s a lot more on the way!):
Quick Add
Smart lists
Due Dates and Reminders
Subtasks & Checklists
Offline support
Dark mode & new themes
And lots, lots more…
Check out the full list of features here.
So far, so… normal? We’ve picked out the most necessary features needed for people to get things done effectively. But what really sets To Do apart from the crowd are the additional features that make it a stellar choice for anyone looking for a little something more from their task manager.
The special sauce
Like Zenkit itself, To Do is enterprise ready, with groups, roles, SAML, SCIM, auditing, and everything else you need to ensure that your team is able to work securely on the same platform.
The most special thing about To Do, however, is that it’s part of the Zenkit Universe. This means that it integrates seamlessly with Zenkit Base, and any other products we will launch in the future. (We will roll out this sync the week after Easter).
So what does that mean, exactly?

While To Do can be used as a completely separate product, it is also deeply connected to Zenkit Base (and all future Zenkit products). All tasks within the To Do app can also be accessed and changed within the Base (and vice versa).
Tasks can be added and changed in the Kanban, mind map, Gantt chart, and all other views of Base, and the simplified to-dos are automatically synced to matching lists in To Do. This means that now you can choose if you want to use the full functionality of Zenkit Base or the simple, task-focused style of To Do (or both together).
It’s especially beneficial for teams who may already be using Zenkit Base, and would like to add more users to their setup but don’t necessarily need everyone to have full access. By adding To Do to your Zenkit suite, even more users will have access to whichever collections you choose to link, without having to join your collections or workspaces directly. The learning curve for To Do is also much smaller, meaning that new team members or clients can get on board quickly.
Zenkit To Do vs. Wunderlist
For those of you familiar with Wunderlist, Zenkit To Do should make you feel right at home. That’s no accident – Wunderlist’s imminent shutdown has left many users worried about what to do with their data, and dissatisfied with many of the alternatives. Zenkit To Do was created with the intention to give Wunderlist users a new home, too!
Additionally, with a “one-click-import” function, Wunderlist users will be able to transfer their lists, along with due dates and starred tasks, directly into Zenkit To Do.
Is there anything else I should know?
First of all, congratulations on getting this far! Today’s post has been a little longer than usual, so thanks for sticking with me. From now on we’re just crossing t’s and dotting i’s:
You can learn more about To Do on it’s dedicated home page, and all the features are listed on the To Do pricing page.
To Do has its own dedicated subscription structure, separate from the Base subscription and pricing. If you already have a Plus subscription for Base, you can still access To Do for free, and vice versa. All pricing information can be found on the To Do pricing page.
We have updated our Terms of Service today to reflect this addition to the Zenkit family, as well as to clarify and define some new terms used to describe how data is shared between the different products. Zenkit Terms are applicable to all Zenkit products.
Lastly, we’re hard at work putting together a new knowledge base specifically for Zenkit To Do. We’ll keep you posted as soon as it’s ready to go! If you have any questions, you’re welcome to get in touch with our lovely customer success team via the in-app chat, or via email to
That’s it folks! What do you think of Zenkit To Do? Will you give it a try? We’re so happy to finally be able to show it to you all. It’s been a couple of months in development and it’s hard to keep such great news a secret 😉
Siobhan and the Zenkit Team
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…and how would I reimport such a .json file just in case I needed it?
Thanks in advance.
.json import will be built in when we build the .json export. The team will come up with a way to make it a relatively simple process, don’t worry!
Hi there,
Is the backup/export function available yet? It’s been 9 months to almost a 1 year later when myself and many others commented on the missing Export/backup function but all I’ve seen in the meantime is hardly any updates at all on the mobile app and the desktop app the past year and both are still laggy and slow as hell….come on Zenkit this is ridiculous.
What is going on? You expect people to hop aboard but once in I can’t get out because I’m stuck now with all my data on a platform that doesn’t even have the ability to give a decent working app and a basic Export function in .JSON or .CSV ?? Emailing lists doesn’t do much now does it, how do I have to see that as a backup? Type/copy hundreds of tasks from an email when something goes wrong? It’s ridiculous! How long is this going to take? Please make this a prio!
Hello Rolando,
I apologize for the inconvenience the lack of backup/export function has caused you and others. Without a .CSV export function for Zenkit To Do, I can offer you two workarounds. Since Zenkit To Do is part of the Zenkit Suite, you have the ability to connect your Zenkit To Do with Zenkit Base. From there all of your information and files currently stored in ZTD will appear in a collection in ZB. You are able to use the .CSV export function using ZB. Alternatively, if you would prefer to use a similar function to .JSON export function, you could use the API of ZTD to extract your files.
Our team is working on incorporating these functions for the various apps individually. Due to the nature of the Zenkit Suite, you can always connect the apps together to utilize a current missing function if needed. I’m sorry that I cannot provide you with a detailled timeline of when this update will be available.
Kind regards,
Hi, any chance of an import from remember the milk?
Hello Bernard,
We currently have import options for Wunderlist, MS To Do and Asana. I’m sorry to inform you that Remember the Milk isn’t part of the list. It is information that our development team will be working on in the future, but I am unable to promise you a particular date an import for RTM will be available. Thank you for your interest in the products of the Zenkit Suite nonetheless.
I am so grateful for Zenkit To Do after Wunderlist jumped ship! Here’s the one thing i am truly missing though – Wunderlist used to have unfinished to-do’s show up as notification badges, im wondering if this could be added to Zenkit to do? It’s one of those features that really makes me get things done because i want that notiication badge gone by the end of the day! Thanks for considering, it truly would take To Do (for me) from good to an everyday lifesaver!
Hi Rae,
Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback! We’re so glad to hear that Zenkit To Do is filling that Wunderlist shaped hole in your life 🙂 How do you imagine the unfinished to-do notifications appearing? I’d be happy to create a feature request on your behalf, however the more detail the better! You can send a quick email to with your ideas and they’ll make sure our dev team are informed. Thanks!
Oh fabulous! Just sent over more details in an email, appreciate your consideration!
Is the backup/export function available yet?
Hello George,
I apologize for the late reply. Thank you for your interest in using ZTD. If you are referring to the Excel export function, this is currently not available yet. Your current options include: email list, print list, and share link. I’ll check with our dev team if the export function is planned for the next update. Hope this helps!
I’m a Pro member of ZenKit Base. The only thing i’m interested in Zenkit To-Do is the daily and weekly view, but I’m not going to spend 3-4$/month for this only feature. I’ll keep using the calendar view of ZenKit base.
Hi Antonio,
Thanks for your feedback! I also find the Today and Week views very helpful! You can still use To Do for free and connect up to 3 of your Base collections there to benefit from those smart lists. Maybe it’s worth a try!
hey y’all just wondering if you’re gonna introduce a new “ping” sound at some point? i find the current one very unsatisfactory… :/
Hey there, I’m sorry to hear you don’t like the ping sound! I’ll check with our dev team about whether that’s planned. Is there an example of a ping sound you’d prefer?
I loved Wunderlist and really hope Zenkit can replace it, but already having problems sending invitations /sharing tasks with others.
Thank you very much for your help in advance,
Hi Maria,
Thank you for reaching out! Have you been in touch with our customer service team? They’ll be able to help you out. I’m afraid the limitations of blog comments means I can’t offer a proper solution, as I’m not 100% sure what the problem may be. I can offer the following suggestions, though:
– If you’re sending invitations to new users, please use a complete email address so we can send them an invitation. If they’ve not received the invitation, please contact our support.
– If you’re inviting people who already have Zenkit accounts, please make sure you’re using the same email address they use to log in.
Thanks for your patience!
I just love Zenkit and now discovered Zenkit To-Do as well, which will be super handy. I have connected two task lists in To-Do with my Zenkit Base to test the capabilities and two questions came to mind:
1. Adding subtasks to a parent task in To-Do shows as a checklist items under the parent task in Base, and not as subtasks.
Converting the checklist in Base to a subtask list removes the subtasks from the parent task in To-Do and creates a completely new task that doesn’t seem to be connected to the original parent task anymore.
In Base the subtask is still connected to the parent task, but not in To-Do.
Am I doing something wrong?
2. The free version of Zenkit Base has a limit of 500 items that can be added. The free version of To-Do has a maximum of 10,000 tasks that can be added. If I link my tasks in To-Do to my Base collection, what will the maximum number of tasks be that I can add in those task lists?
Hi Egon,
Thank you! We’re so glad to hear you love our products 🙂 I’m sorry if there’s some confusion surrounding how the connection works. It’s a new structure for us, so the exact workings of it are still being fine-tuned.
1. Subtasks in To Do essentially are just checklists, so when you connect up to base, it creates a checklist. They’re not true subitems because in To Do you cannot use them that way – i.e. you can’t assign a person or due date to a subtask in To Do. That’s why when you converted them to subitems in Base, it created them as full tasks in To Do.
2. The maximum number of tasks is calculated according to the product that owns the resource. I.e. if you had a collection in Base that you connected to To Do, it would calculate the number of items/tasks according to your allowed limits in Base. If you created it in To Do then connected to Base, it would use your To Do quotas.
Hope that makes sense!
Hi Siobhan, I love Zenkit ToDo it is a wonderful replacement for Wunderlist and fits my needs perfectly, except for one small problem. Is there a way to delete completed tasks without having to do them one at time? I did read through the comment, but didn’t see anything regarding this, if you have answered this all ready I apologize. Regards
Hi Penny! Thanks for getting in touch. I’m glad to hear you like To Do so much! You can delete completed tasks in bulk if you archive them first:
– Tap/click on “Done” and choose “Archive Tasks”
– Tap/click on the list name and go to the “Archive” section
– Tap/click on “Delete X Tasks” to permanently delete them from your account
Hope that helps! You can find more info about archiving/deleting in our Knowledge Base:,workspaceLists
Great App! All Wunderlist characteristics and connected to base!!!
Only missing two characteristics:
-It is necessary to have notifications on Zenkit To Do actions. It is very helpfull to know when a task is created/completed by another team member even if it is not assigned to you.
-In my opinion, a list member should be subscribed by default when added. In wunderlist was in the opposite way and it is easy to forget subscribing to a list after being assigned, thus missing notifications.
Just with this, I will consider this To Do as the best.
Thanks for this app.
Best Regards,
Pedro Soria
Hi Pedro, sorry for the inconvenience. We are aware of this bug and are working on it. Currently only reminders (due dates) will send you a notification. An alternative workaround for the described problem would be to mention user in the comment section via @mention- this will also send them a notification. About the 2nd question: I`m afraid this feature is not available in Zenkit To Do yet. However, we’ve created a feature request and think about including your suggestion in our roadmap. Thanks for your patience. Best, Maja
Thnaks a lot Maja,
I do receive notifications when someone is commenting. The problem is when someone creates a task or complete it. I don’t receive notifications on that.
Kind regards,
I just converted from Wunderlist to Zenkit To Do over the weekend. So far so good! Question, please. I see that each of the shared lists that came over still show others as “members” or “owners”. If I don’t explicitly reestablish the connection with those individuals (they download the app and accept an invitation), is there a way to safely delete those members from the list in To Do? (I want to archive a few shared lists and a few I want to continue on without the prior Wunderlist members.) On the other hand, I don’t want to delete or archive any list that would negatively affect the former members. Also, I’ve seen that shared lists don’t replicate completed tasks by any user.
Is this true? Thanks for your help!
Hi Lynne, to delete users from your list, please follow this path:
Icon with your profile picture–>settings–>subscription–>Show advanced plan options–>Product Usage–>Members
if that does not work out properly this will probably be because you haven’t upgraded your plan. To delete users please click on “Upgrade now” and then on “Product Usage”. No worries, you don’t have to upgrade your plan, of course.
Concerning your second question: If one of your team members marks a task as “done” it will be shown as “done” for the rest of the team, too. A solution would be to create a repeater so the task will occur at the top of the list again. Does that work for you?
If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us via mail ( Best, Maja
Hi there! We love Zenkit! We used Wunderlist and searched for a replacement. We strongly think we have found it with Zenkit!!
One small issue: The app for Mac os crashes all the time, so now I use the webapp (along with my mobile).
Is there any view on an update for the app soon?
Hi Ivy! SO sorry to hear that (and my deepest apologies for my delayed response). Have you been in touch with our support team about this? Is the issue still affecting you?
Hi Siobhan
We migrated from Wunderlist to Zenkit and we already prefer your layout and design. But there are also a few features we do miss from Wunderlist:
1) In WL the comment bubble were no longer highlighted after you have read the new comment. This was very convenient in the list overview, were you had only to watch out for the highlighted bubbles to see the lists with new comments.
2) As mentioned by others we would also like to see a larger important star icon
3) In WL the important star setting was always visible for ALL user but on Zenkit it can only be seen in the lists which are assigned to yourself.
4) After a notification has been marked as red, it should be removed from the notification list.
Hi Edi, thank you so much for your feedback. Happy to hear that you like Zenkit so far. About suggestion 1,3,4: I’m afraid but we are not able to provide those functions yet. However, I’ve created a feature request ticket for each of them. Unfortunately, it’s also not possible to change the size of the star icon but our team is working on optimizing that.
Hi Siobhan!
I have a question before buying plus plan. In the case of an Account Plus, does the number of members exceed 8 or not?
i mean 8 free members…
Hi Ebrahim, if you’re upgrading to the plus plan you can use Zenkit To Do in a team of max. 100 paid users.
Best, Maja
Hi there!
I just discovered Zenkit and joined you guys just before my fav Wunderlist was ending it’s beloved platform so really hoping you guys pick up where they left 🙂 So far it’s looks promising but still have to look deeper into it though, and your responses on the questions are also great so far BUT, there is one big but. 😉 I really want to love this but first I notice is there is no export function. Before I really go all-in with you guys, I do feel it’s still too much in development, really need an export function. But the most important is the Mac and iOS app and also the Web app seems very, very buggy and laggy. (iOS worst, Mac also, Web little less) This is almost an understatement actually…my lists where imported fine (so far I can see, despite the Starred tasks were messed up within the list but alas) and at first it all looked fine, but my Lists with 100 or more tasks/to-do’s need long scroll (which is evident) but after 2 scrolls my list just disappears from sight and the whole app hangs for a few secs returning in sight with blinks and very laggy all, same on iOS but then even way worse. To the point of totally unusable on iOS 🙁 Is it me? With smaller lists (less than 100 tasks within this works better)
When I look in the memory resources Zenkit is using quite a lot of resources too with several associated helper tools… I have Wunderlist mac app for instance still open and that uses less than 1/3 of that what Zenkit uses…and works snappy on my older Macbook. Same for iOS, I have some older Mac and iPhone versions in use (MBP 2010 El Capitan and iPhone 6 ios12) but still, not that old this can’t work. Can you help out? If you want me to contact directly, with a dev or anything please inform.
Thanks! And keep up the good work 🙂
Hello there:),
yes, it’s really sad that such a beloved app left the market. We hope that we can provide a good alternative for you. We definitely appreciate your feedback and take it to heart.
Unfortunately, there is no export function in Zenkit To Do yet but you can send lists to Zenkit via mail (click on the list>list title>settings>Email list).
I’m sorry for the inconvenience you’ve experienced with exporting your lists. Our team is working hard to fix this.
Also, I think it would be useful to send a screenshot of your control log to Maybe deleting some lists and tasks helps to make the app work faster, too. I hope I was able to help you. Please do not hesitate to contact our service team for further questions.
Hello, Zenkit To Do looks pretty cool! Is there a way to print multiple lists? I can right-click on a list name and select print, which is good…but it would be great if I could print all lists, or all lists in a folder, or select multiples lists to print….some way to do it more than one at a time.
Hi Kevin, thanks for your kind feedback. Unfortunately, Zenkit To Do does not offer printing multiple lists but we will definetely keep your wish in mind. I’ve created a feature request ticket. Best, Maja
I agree with the need for this. I was surprised when trying to print and nothing would show up for the printer. As a workaround, a printscreen works ok. I know, I know, you’re thinking – print? like on paper??? Well, I agree it isn’t an everyday mode of operation, but it is handy sometimes.
Thanks for your feedback Ryan – we agree too! Multi-list printing is a bit of a niche request though, so it may take a little time before our dev team are able to focus on building it, but rest assured the feature request is in their backlog somewhere!
Found Zenkit and ZenToDo by chance.
ZenToDo is ALMOST the right tool for me, but it has few gaps, and hidden configuration that make it not quite as intuitive. Firstly it absolutely MUST HAVE EXPORT of MY data option. I cant see this anywhere. If it is it’s hidden. Ideally i could automate this as well instead of ahving to do it manually.The knowledgebase is not geared to ZenToDo so finding self help is hard. A month calendar view or simlar would be good. Ability to reorder or add and remove default lists would be good. Star/priority flag should be more prmoninent. Ability on mobile to trigger a specific sound/ring tone on reminder notification woudl be good
I really want to use this tool but cant until i can export my data easily.
Hey Bib,
happy to hear that ZTD works quite well for you. Thanks for your feedback. I’m afraid but for now, we do not offer an export function. A possible workaround is sending your lists via mail.
Click on the list>list title>settings>Email list
A knowledgebase for Zenkit To Do is in the making and will be available soon. In the meantime, our service team is more than happy to answer your questions via chat or mail ( Also, thanks for your feature suggestions. I’ve created a feature request ticket for each of them. Stay tuned:D.
Love the app, but it really, really needs some work. I had already complained that it was painfully slow, laggy and unresponsive on my Pixel 3a XL. Literally the only app I have seen like that. 3 second delay to open some lists. I tried deleting these lists and making new ones. I’ve tried deleting the archive. Turning off transparency and background photo. Alas, I like the app enough to deal with this.
Until today. Today I received an update with “bug fixes, ui and performance fixes”. The app is basically unusable. Hit the + and wait. Upwards of 10 seconds. Hit on a list…15-20 seconds.
Is there anything I can do, or a fix in the works? I’ve never seen an app this slow.
Hello CW Walker,
thank you very much for your feedback. Please excuse the inconvenience you’ve experienced. This does not meet our quality standards and we will work hard to fix this problem. Many Android users have told us positive things about the performance of our To Do app, but we deeply apologize for the difficulties you’ve experienced. Please also note that Zenkit To Do has only been on the market for four weeks, unlike some of our competitors which are providing their services for many years. With the help of our users, we are constantly working on improving our product. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our service team via mail (
Hello! Just checking in on the functionality of sync between To Do and Base. It’s essential to my work as many members of my family & work team use To Do only.
Thank you in advance
Hi Elizabeth,
to connect Zenkit To Do and Base, please do the following.
>click on a list/collection > then on the title of the list/collection > choose the button Zenkit Universe and then connect your Base/To Do. Hope that helps;).
I ordered the Plus plan and it says my account is exceeded. Can you please tell me where I can look to see which attachments on specific tasks are taking up the most file size so I can archive those specific tasks?
Hi Vanessa, unfortunately, there is no direct features that enables you to do that but I suggest following this workaround:
Register for Zenkit Base (same credentials as in Zenkit To Do).
Connect Base and Zenkit To Do. 3 lists can be connected for free.
Open the list which contains the items you want to check and change to “Table view”
Click on the “files” column and sort it. Now you can see all the attachments in one place and sort out which probably need the most storage space.
If you need any help with this, please contact My colleagues from the support team will be more than happy to help you.
Former Wunderlist user. I’m very happy with Zenkit so far! I checked out ten different apps and Zenkit was my first choice. Two suggestions though: 1) It would be great if the flags on tasks were more apparent. At the moment it’s just a little orange star to the right of the task and it’s not very conspicuous. 2) I would love to have a manual data export option because I like to do manual backups from time to time. That’s all!
I’m so glad to hear that Fran! We’re happy you like it! I’ve forwarded your requests along to our dev team 🙂
First of all, let me thank you for the best solution to Wunderlist closing. Although I feel your To Do very good, I have not been able to get notifications working in the way I would like:
1.- It would be nice if a person becomes a subscriber of a list automatically after being added as a participant. Now you have to add someone and tell him to activate the subscription. Sometimes that person forget to subscribe and miss all comments. After being assigned to a certain task, he start receiving notifications from that specific task but think that is receiving from the whole list (as it was on Wunderlist). At the end, this becomes confusing for former Wunderlist users. I think it will be better to subscribe by default and leave the option active so you can unsubscribe if you wish.
2.- I can’t find the way to receive a notification after a task has been created, completed,… in a list where I am a subscriber. I only get notifications on comments or when someone is assigning/unassigning it to me. This is critical to me as I need to know what is going on in my team. Could you please help me to configure it?
Thanks again for all your help,
Kind Regards,
Hi Pedro, sorry that answering you took a bit of time. I’ve answered the questions of this comment in my response to your 2nd comment. Hope I was able to help you along. Best, Maja
Hello again.
I sent you an email some minutes ago, about a message (Something went wrong” that pops up. I just understood that this is happening when I am trying to go in a list that i am sharing with other persons.
I hope that I have helped you
Today as I try to open my lists the following message is appearing.
Please let usknow what happened.
”Something went wrong. Sorry about that . If this happens again, please let us know
So sorry about that! Did you get in touch with our support team? You can contact them via the in-app chat, or via email to
Also, when importing from Wunderlist, it appears that Zenkit also imported the list sharing information. But, the lists don’t seem to be sharing between users. Can you help with this as well. Thanks!
Hey Greg, actually all affected users get an email-notification. If this isn’t the case, please add all list members again. They will get a confirmation mail which needs to be approved. This should help:).
Thanks Maja for your help. I’m converting from Wunderlist where I shared lists with others that allowed multiple users to access and edit the shared lists. Those same users are now set up with Zenkit To Do and the accounts of each are populated with the old Wunderlist lists. But, the sharing/editing function doesn’t seem to work. A change on one list doesn’t show up on the other user’s list. When I try to re-add the sharing user, I get an error message saying they are already a user. Looking at the settings, I am wondering whether I need a Plus account (I’m using the free account at this point) in order to have shared editing ability. Is that right? Even if it is, I still seem to be having issues because the changes by the list owner don’t show up on the list of the other user. Can you help me sort this out? Thanks much for your assistance.
Is there a way to bulk archive completed tasks in To Do?
Hi Greg, yes there is. Please click on “Done” above your finished tasks and then on “archive items”. This action will archive all finished tasks.
Hi Siobhan! My team subscribed a “Plus” plan for a month. We have been using Wunderlist for years and have no complaints. Me and my team decided to use Your product. We love “Zenkit To Do” so far and have a fiew questions and proposals:
1. Synchronization for comments – We noticed that commenst aren’t automaticly synchronized and that is a problem. Are you planning to solve this problem?
2. Conversations section is good, but it will be also usefall if you insert an option for hiding read comments (just one small “x” ih the upright corner)? Second option is to add colours on commented task like in Wunderlist.
3. You have two options in search (archive and everywhere) – is it posible to add an “active” for easier serch tasks which are currently in operation?
Hi Rastko,
Thank you so much for getting in touch! I’m glad to hear you love Zenkit To Do so far! Thank you also for sharing your feedback, we really appreciate it.
1. Our team are aware of some sync issues and are working on improvements. We’d love to hear more about this particular case, though. Would you please email so our team can help you directly?
2. Thanks for the suggestion!
3. I believe “Everywhere” gives priority to active results, the everywhere refers to ‘in all folders/lists’. I can double check this for you if you like!
Thank you for your quick response! Would you please recheck no.3 and inform me about it.
Hi there
Having used Wunderlist for the past few years, i tried out your new Zenkit Todo on my laptop, using the web app. Works great, and should be a good place to move my account to. However, on my iphone5c, with iOS 10.3, the downloaded app keeps crashing out to the home-screen every time i try to log in. Working with a service team ticket to get this fixed right now, but wanted to mention it here in case others were having the same problem. Looking forward to getting that bug fixed before May 6, because this looks like a great product. Thankyou Zenkit!
‘within the week’ = april 7 + 7 = April 14. It’s April 20, and I don’t see any sync capability.
So sorry about that Stowe. The connection between To Do and Base got a bit delayed as a whole bunch of unanticipated things popped up, as they tend to do. The sync was released yesterday, with a full write-up of it publishing next week. You can access the sync by going to the collection/list settings (tap/click the name while it’s open), then ‘Universe’ then tap ‘Connect’ and match the fields you want to connect.
Could you please explain the difference between Repeaters and Extended Repeaters as per:
I would hope that some repeater capability is available in the free tier as at least 30% of my tasks in Wunderlist now are recurring.
Hi Jason,
Yes sure! Repeaters allow you to repeat tasks on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, or on a particular week day. Extended repeaters are more complex. They can do things like “every Wednesday and Friday” or “every first weekday of each month”. Hope that clears things up!
Is there a plan to include a backup ToDo/export to csv file in ZenKit Todo? I don’t see this option presently. Also, I tried to star a task, but it doesn’t do anything (is that planned to be functional in future weeks?)
We don’t have an export function at the moment, but we do plan to build one. In the meantime, our entire database is regularly backed up to a separate server and our dev team are able to restore your data from there in case something goes wrong. Starring should work and ought to have since the release.. if there’s still an issue with it, please get in touch with 🙂
So are we able to integrate Base and To Do now? I can’t seem to find a function to do so.
Hi Jon,
Yes! Now you can do it by going to your collection/list settings (by tapping or clicking on the name while it’s open), then “Universe” then “Connect”. Apologies for the delay!
We were excited to see this new app as a potential replacement for Wunderlist for our organization. There are a few Wunderlist features that have been really important to us, and we’re wondering if there are plans to add them:
– When you view the “today” smart list, create an option to only see tasks that are assigned to you. (Feature number 8 in this list:
– When you view the “week” smart list, create an option to only see tasks that are assigned to you. (Feature number 8 in this list:
– When you are creating a new task, create a text-based shortcut that allows users to assign a task to a member – for example, @Name. (Feature number 1 in this list:
– When you are creating a new task, create a text-based shortcut that allows users to assign a date/deadline – for example, “4/15/20.” But it could also be helpful to include shortcuts like “Today” or “next tuesday” or “april 20.” (Feature number 1 in this list:
Hi Dorothy,
Thank you so much for your feedback and suggestions! I’ve forwarded your list of requests to our dev team so they can think about how to include it in To Do. We really appreciate you sharing the links to the Wunderlist articles about them so we know exactly what to look for. I can say now that we’re already planning on providing solutions for all but the third, and I don’t see why quickly assigning a task using an @name shouldn’t be possible! I hope To Do can meet your expectations and become just as important to your organization as Wunderlist was 🙂
I am facing some problems as soon as i am trying to make some tags repeated. In wundelist as soon as i choose to repeat a tag every 3 weeks and i checked the task, a new one task with the selcted repeated date was generated. In zenkit , i choose a repetition every 3 weeks, but once I checked the task, no one new task for the selected repetiotion is generated. Do you have any idea on this issues? What do you propose me to do?
Hey Vaggelis,
Thanks for getting in touch! Sorry that the repeaters aren’t working quite as you need them to – we do them a little differently than Wunderlist. The next new task would have been created after the date of the previous task passed. That said, we’re working on making big changes to them and we hope to released the new and improved version next week 👍
Just upgraded to the Plus version of Zenkit To Do. Love the look of this app and its apparent simplicity.
Couple of questions if I may.
1. The sync process is a bit slow. When I enter say a Repeater for a task, you can almost see the application ‘thinking’ about it. Will it get faster as you put more server resources behind the app?
2. Will there be desktop apps? For my Mac for example?
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next.
Hi Simon,
Thank you for your support! Glad you like the way it looks 🙂 1. Yes, we hope to make some big improvements to the speed/performance in the near future. 2. Yes there are! You can find them at
Good effort Zenkit Team. This is really very good indeed. I can see one area that would make it stellar. Some of the other task managers allow you to break a list down into sections (e.g. Things, Todoist). This allows your lists to grow and yet still be manageable. It works really well. You could easily achieve this with tagging and then grouping tasks in the list view by tag. Voila. You have now overtaken the rest 🙂
Thank you for your suggestion, Mark! We do plan to implement tagging/labels, and I guess creating a list grouping system from that won’t be too difficult. I’ve created a feature request on your behalf 🙂
Oh, add some tags or labels on Tasks would be perfect!!!
Coming soon, Ivy!
Are tags implemmented now? This is the only thing I REALLY miss in Zenkit for now.
Hi Adriano, not yet I’m afraid, but they’ll definitely be added at some point soon! I’ll add your vote to the existing feature request for it 🙂
Using Allen’s quote, I’ve fallen off the wagon since Wunderlist’s death. I’ve been trying to use Microsoft To Do, but it’s a mess; too much polluted. Zenkit seems a perfect fit for me, but I really need tags to make my system work. I really hope this feature comes soon. Thanks!
How can I back up my data from zenkit todo? Wunderlist had a way to export data, I’m not finding that in zenkit todo.
Hi Thomas,
At the moment we don’t have an export function like Wunderlist’s but we do plan to build one. In the meantime, I hope you find some comfort in the fact that the entire Zenkit database is regularly backed up to a separate server, and we’re able to restore things in case something happens (e.g. in case something is deleted by mistake).
That’s great to hear, I’m also missing that function!
Hi Siobhan. I’m so happy I found Zenkit To Do. It is the closest to Wunderlist so far, but I’m very disappointed with the flawed repeaters. They are buggy and don’t work well, while they worked like a charm in Wunderlist 🙁
As an example: if I create a future task dated 4/27/20 with a monthly repeater and I happen to complete this task early today 4/10/20 and I mark it complete, no new task (Repeater) dated 5/27/20 is created! Completing tasks early is very common and we count on “Zenkit To Do” to repeat it for us even if it’s completed earlier than it’s due date. Please look into a fix soon. It will effect our decision on whether to switch to Zenkit To Do in place of Wunderlist.
Also, we can’t edit repeaters, if we try, we get a message in the edit window saying: “We don’t support changing repeaters at the moment, please delete this repeater and add a new one”. Thank you for your attention to this important feature.
Hi Suhair,
Apologies for my slow response! We’ve had a lot of feedback in the last couple of weeks, as you can imagine! Our team are working very hard on making big improvements to the repeaters, and we hope to release the update next week. I have given your feedback to them to take into consideration when building the new ones.
Of the different products you are working on, it would be great to have a notes area if you haven’t already thought of that 😉 Unless I’ve missed that it is somewhere already 🤔
Hi Brook! We’re definitely going to create a Notes product 😊 Not sure when it’s coming though.
Repeaters is also next week?
Yep! They’re already available, but we’re working on making a big improvement to them at the moment.
Hi Siobhan! First congrats on the to-do app! I LOVED Wunderlist and have been bouncing from GTD apps since they announced the app closing down. I’ve been looking for an easy GUI and Zenkit has done that. My only request is to have the ability to create sections within a list. Todoist and Asana can do this and it easily helps break up big lists visually. Is this a feature coming out in the future? Either way I’m your newest champion of this product! Thanks!
Thank you so much Oscar! Yes, we figured that there must be lots of people like you who are affected by the shutdown. I’m so glad Zenkit To Do works for you! I’ll put in a feature request on your behalf regarding the sub-lists. I’m not sure if we’d considered it before, but we will now!
That would be the killer. Just use tags (which would be useful anyway and Zenkit already supports) and allow each list to be grouped by tag. Perfection.
As a workaround, I create a task like:
and then use it as a divider between subsections of a list 🙂
Will To Do have a Chrome extension like Wunderlist does?
Yep! We’re working on it now, and it should be out shortly!
Hey, amazing tool! Great to see there is finally a good Wunderlist alternative.
I know you’re still working on it, but I wanted to let you know about a few very important issues To do yet has:
– Most important: The today/heute section should only show the tasks assigned to me, not all the tasks of our team that are due today
– Repeaters don’t seem to be working, instead the task will be marked as done
– It would be great to have a right click option on every task that let’s you reassign a task to a different team member (instead of having to open the task first)
Keep up the good work! Thanks!
Hi Daniel,
Thank you so much for your feedback, and apologies for my delayed response. I’ve forwarded your feedback to our dev team and they will look into making those changes! The repeaters do work, but very differently to how Wunderlist handled them (after your tasks are marked done, anothehr one should appear later on). We’re working on a new way to handle repeaters that should be ready next week.
Do you plan any direct Outlook integration in the future? I only use Zenkit for my side-projects because most of my real work relies on Outlook and I just need one-click “make a task” from e-mail. No zapiers, direct integration. If this happens I can finally fully switch to Zenkit.
Hi Ake!
We have email to collection for Zenkit Base, and email to list for Zenkit To Do will be coming shortly. All you need to do is address your email to a specific Zenkit email address (generated on a per-collection basis) and you can send any email to any collection to create a task. We don’t have a button or something that you can add to Outlook (yet), although I can see why that would be really helpful 👌 You can learn more about email to collection here:
Just discovered Zenkit at all.
I am searching for a new tool to run my private GTD.
Zenkit looks interesting but it may be a bit oversized for my needs and your ToDo app may be enough.
Just one point, the toDo app can not show the tasks in Google calendar right?
And if I understand right it will be only featured in the payable service?
I don’t mind paying for a good app, but not sure if 4EUR a month just for the calender view is maybe too much for me.
Thanks in advance
Hi Andreas,
Right now To Do does not sync with Google Calendar, although the Base does. This means that theoretically if we did want to implement Google Calendar sync for To Do, it shouldn’t take too long since we’ve written the code already. That being said, I’m not 100% if and when it’ll happen – GCal has been quite difficult to work with in the past so we’re having to think quite deeply about whether it makes sense. In the meantime you could try Base for your private GTD, and if/when we implement GCal for To Do, you can move your lists over 🙂
I do not see how to do or see this:
“All tasks within the To Do app can also be accessed and changed within the Base (and vice versa).”
I’m signed in to each with the same credentials.
I’m also unable to drop a task from a list into my Inbox in To Do.
(Sorry, I should have read others’ comments first.)
Will there be a notice of this feature going live?
And I should have read further before approving and replying to your last comment 😅 Yes, I’ll write a blog about it and we’ll likely send out a newsletter too. You can also keep track of changes in our changelog:
Looking forward to it!
Where can I submit a feature request for To Do?
(Drop a list item onto another list item to create a subtask.)
Hi Mathew, is the place to go, although I’ve already created a feature request on your behalf now 🙂
Hey Mathew,
Thanks for your comment! We’ll be rolling out the sync between Base and To Do within the week 👍
Hi. I just discovered Zenkit To Do. Is there an option to email tasks into Zenkit To Do?
Hey Mark!
Yes, we’ll be rolling that out in the next week or two 👍
The sync between base to to-do app is the most important feature. You need to release is fast so we all can use the new app. Until that is almost useless
We’re working on it! The sync will be live in the next week 👍
so how does exactly the integration works? I don’t see any options etc.
Integration with Zenkit Base will be available in the next week! We wanted to launch the basic version of To Do first to work through any issues (there are always some) before we roll out the additional features like sync (and everything else we have coming up in the next couple of weeks!)
Hi, how can I integrate the new ToDo in my existing zenkit portal?
Great question Alois! We’ll be rolling out integration to Zenkit Base in the next week. We just needed to make sure the launch of the basic Zenkit To Do app went smoothly before adding in all the extra features 🙂
Was this an April Fools post? Isn’t this pretty much exactly what Microsoft To-Do looks like and does?
No April fools 😉 Many to do apps are similar, so yes we share some similarity with Microsoft To Do (and Todoist, and Tick Tick, and all the other great task apps out there). There are some things that differentiate Zenkit To Do, namely the direct integration with Zenkit Base and our other upcoming products, as well as our ability to support enterprise teams. There are a lot more features rolling out over the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned! 🙂
Do Zenkit To Do items show up in Base (and vice versa)? I was expecting/assuming with the connection to Base I’d be able to manage my Zenkit ToDo items two-way between Base and ToDo.
Hey Barry,
That’ll be the case very soon! We released the most simple version on Monday, and over the next week we will release some more features, including the sync. It’s so important to us for the sync to be perfect that we would rather wait a week than publish it now. You can expect to be able to sync and use both products simultaneously/in sync starting next week.
Let’s be honest, Zenkit is an amazing product – it has its flaws, but no software is perfect – regardless, if you love Kanban, Zenkit is the best out there. To Do carries across that awesomeness – but – Why was the decision made to completely seperate the product from Zenkit Base and why have another subscription. Should paying users of Zenkit not already have access to ‘To Do’ as a premium user?
I think it would have made much more sense to be able to login to Zenkit base and be able to access To Do as either a view, or be able to create To Do collections from within it and vice versa.
Hey Mic,
So glad to hear you’re such a fan of Zenkit 🙌 We’re still in an open discussion with multiple stakeholders (and now you) about the pricing, and thinking about exactly how to package the different features. We plan to create many more products, each of which can be used separately or together, hence the need for separate subscription models. Eventually we may package different products together to be managed under one subscription (à la Adobe Cloud). For some idea of how this might work, you can check out Freshworks, Zendesk, Hubspot, or similar companies/concepts 🙂